Dollarstore establishes a presence in Karlshamn

Dollarstore is one of Sweden’s fastest growing budget chains, with over a hundred stores all over the country. karlshamn2-1

The chain has now entered into a contract concerning establishment on the new trading estate emerging at Duveryd in Karlshamn. The site in Karlshamn covers around 4,000 square metres and will provide around fifteen new jobs.

“We have been looking for a site in Karlshamn, and finally we have found the best location. We are looking forward to being able to open our doors and present our fine product range on a site no fewer than 4,000 square metres in area”

– Fredrik Holmström, Head of Establishment at Dollarstore


Real estate company Skåneporten is developing the Duveryd site in close partnership with the municipality of Karlshamn. Establishment of the new trading estate will result in a wider selection of volume retail outlets, making Karlshamn an even more attractive place to shop.

“The strategy employed by the municipality of Karlshamn, which involves acquiring land in favourable locations, has proven to be very successful. We are at the cutting edge of developments, and the development taking place on the Duveryd site is a very positive thing for Karlshamn. The municipality is working actively on producing a detailed development plan and other official decisions for establishment of the site”

– Municipal Commissioner Per-Ola Mattsson


This new site is attracting businesses that are in need of large, continuous spaces. This creates opportunities for new companies to establish a presence, as well as for existing local businesses that need larger premises. This site is attractive for traffic-related convenience stores as well.

“Being able to present the first official tenant after just over a month is a fantastic feeling! We are amazed by the enormous interest in the site and are looking forward to being able to tell people before long about more businesses that have established a presence here”

– Peter Bergquist, Head of Leasing at Croisette.

‘2Dollarstore showed an interest early on and it is wonderful that they are the first company to sign a contract here. A great deal of trade is ‘leaking’ out from Karlshamn and going to surrounding trading estates. We are finding there is a great deal of interest in the project. A lot of strong brand names are interested in establishing a presence in Karlshamn”

– Andreas Meyer, CEO at Skåneporten Fastigheter.

“The establishment of new businesses is an important parameter for the development of Karlshamn. The fact that we are creating conditions for a range of new companies in the municipality in the long term is strengthening the business community. This makes the place more attractive and creates new offerings and new jobs. The Duveryd site will be the natural choice for the purchase of consumer durables in Karlshamn”

– Mathias Wijk, Commercial Manager.

The opening of the trading estate in Duveryd is planned for 2022-2023.


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